Fiercely Determined
I read a quote once, and I've tried to make it a mantra to live by since I came across the words:
"I am fiercely determined to give more than I receive."
I have been blessed and I have received in my life, more than I deserve. And truly, I am fiercely determined to give more than I receive.
That's a main part of this ministry we call a business, here at Oh My Cupcakes! We love to give. . .and I mean we REALLY love it! We do Random Acts of Cupcakes. We donate to organizations as much as we are able. We give to Cure Kids Cancer and Children's Miracle Network because we feel passionate about helping kids, and grateful that our own children are healthy.
Tomorrow, March 26th is Dining 4 Kids. We want you to come eat cupcakes on March 26th. Of course we want you to come eat cupcake every day. But on this day in particular, we will be giving 20% of our day's sales directly to Cure Kids Cancer. The money stays local. It helps kids here, in our community.
Just a couple of weeks ago, a dear friend of the OMC staff and a great customer (these guys love their cupcakes) found out that their precious little baby girl has ALL (Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia). Suddenly, no longer are we at OMC simply helping to raise money for a fantastic organization about which we are passionate. . .now we are raising money for what feels like one of our own family. We are passionate. We are fiercely determined. And we are going to raise a TON of money to help give back into our own community.
Why? Because we've been given much. And to whom much is given, much is required. We take this stuff kind of serious. I think that's called "passion". Thanks for helping us fulfill our passion.
With blessings and gratitude,