Making "Icing" out of an ice storm
It's kind of like our version of making lemonade out of lemons. It's a way to make the best out of a "what-do-we-do-with-all-these-cupcakes-since-its-been-snowing-for-days" situation. It was my BEST PART OF TODAY. . .Running around town this afternoon, doing Random Acts of Cupcakes to every utility crew we could find. Seeing smiles on people's faces and leaving anonymous little "thank you's" all over the city made me giddy excited!!! We even tried to break into a locked utility truck to leave cupcakes and a thank you note on the front seat. We couldn't get in, but we risked leaving them on the step, hoping the driver will see them as he gets in!
As excited as we were to be driving around and delivering frosting-induced smiles, however, the damage out there is incredible and many people have a big job ahead. The crews are working incredibly long hours trying to get our city up and running again. People are working to remove debris from their property. We will be cleaning up from this ice storm for months. We are grateful that all we experienced were some power outages and some moderate hassle which, in the grand scheme of things, was actually pretty MINOR hassle. It's all a matter of perspective, and our perspective is one of extreme gratitude. Hope you're all safe, staying warm, and using patience and grace with one another. Tomorrow we plan and hope to be back to regular business hours, 8 am to 6 pm. We would be honored to see you then.