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Mother's Day 2023

Melissa J.  |  05.05.2023

They’re the best person to hold your pain on a bad day. 💗 They bring the warmth that keeps you safe when the world gets cold. ❄️ They know the right words to say, even if they’re not the words you want to hear right then.

All those magical mom things.

They’re so amazing. ✨

And easy to forget some days how much they shape our everydays.

So take a minute to think about those good times… the rotten ones… the murky moments when you’re not sure how you feel. Mom, grandma, an aunt… they were probably there. Guiding you through it, cheering you on, or shaping your decisions. 💗

One day isn’t enough to stop and share our thanks, but I’m glad we’ve got it. It helps me to stop, pause and look around at the magical moms around me. And you know, it also reminds me to look at myself and even though most days I feel like I could (should?) do more as a mom, if I gave anyone else my name, I’d be applauding her!

So cheer on the moms in your life this weekend. Fill her day with thanks (and a few treats!) to remind her how special she is on this day and every day. 🧁✨

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