POSITIVELY KELOLAND: Sweet treat honors those affected by breast cancer
Story courtesy of Keloland News, by Sarah McDonald. Click here to watch the full video.
SIOUX FALLS, S.D. (KELO) – You or someone you know may have been affected by cancer.
According to the CDC, breast cancer is the most common cancer among women. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
There’s a special treat that appears in the counter display each October at Oh My Cupcakes! It’s called the Ms. Kim cupcake.
“Kim, when she was 38 years old discovered that she had breast cancer and unfortunately she never did see age 40 so this was 27 years ago, and they’ve made so many advancements since then, but her story didn’t end the way we would hope,” CEO/founder Oh My Cupcakes!, Melissa Johnson said.
Kim was Melissa Johnson’s sister-in-law, and this cupcake is made each year in her memory. It also serves as an important reminder during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
“We had an ad that ran a couple years ago that said ‘even if you never come in for a cupcake, get a mammogram, do your self checks,'” Johnson said. “It can happen to anybody and so getting your appointments, I know we’re all busy, getting there on time is really deeply important.”
Miranda VanLeur is a nurse practitioner with Avera Comprehensive Breast Health, and recommends getting a mammogram beginning at age 40.
“Usually the majority of women who are diagnosed do not have a family history of breast cancer, so it is really important to get that yearly screening mammogram because ultimately they can save lives, and help us to catch breast cancer earlier, which leads to better outcomes overall for the patient,” nurse practitioner with Avera Comprehensive Breast Health, Miranda VanLeur said.
Serving up a sweet treat with an important message, while also honoring the stories of those whose lives have been touched by breast cancer.
“That was 27 years ago when Kim discovered her cancer, so many things have changed since then, we can monitor things now, we have better imaging, and mammography, and I’m just really grateful for that,” Johnson said.
A sister company started by Johnson, Sweet Cream Candle Company, also has a Ms. Kim candle. Sales from both the cupcake and candle raise funds for Avera Breast Health.