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Angelia H.

Cupcake Ninja
Cupcake Ninja since 2021

Favorite cupcakes


What should we know about you?
I’m stubborn at first 😉 I love music and snacks, I love to craft and scrapbook at home, I value alone time, I have a son ❤ , I love dancing around and acting silly, I have great jokes 😉 , sarcasm is my spirit animal

What makes working at Oh My Cupcakes! so special?
Seeing what we can accomplish under stressful situations and seeing what companies order from us!

What's the best part of your job?
The independence, we have what we need to get done but you can usually decide when to do them and/or even decide what needs to get done when the kitchen manager is out for the day!

What question do you get asked most often by customers?
What time do you come in to start baking?

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